
Top 10 best Features of Angular 7

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Angular is one of the most famous web application development frameworks. The Angular 7.0 release has brought attractive features and specifications to web developers namely Angular Material, core framework, enabled various major partner launches, CLI with Synchronized significant versions, along with tool-chain. In this blog, let’s discuss the top 10 best features that have made the Angular 7 faster and improved.

Top 10 best Features of angular 7

CLI Prompts:

Angular CLI has been modernized to v7.0.2 along with attractive features like prompting users when they type common commands like ng-new or ng-add @angular/material is used to assist in exploring multiple built-in-features like SCSS Support or routing. In CLI, while creating a new project using Angular 7, it takes advantage of Bundle Budgets.

Application Performance:

Blemish, discovered by Angular developer from Angular team includes the reflect-metadata poly-fill in the part of production which is needed only in the case of development. To solve this, the update to V7 will include it as a build step while building your JIT mode application by removing automatically from your polyfills.ts file, and this is set as default. When your initial bundle is greater than 2 MB, the new application will warn to increase the performance and will show error when it reaches 5 MB, and this can be modified in the angular.json file by the user.

Angular Material and the CDK:

Angular Material & the CDK(Component Dev Kit), Angular 7.0 comes with a visual improvement feature in the concept of material design that acquired a significant update in 2018, virtual scrolling as well as refresh, for dynamically unloading and loading parts of the DOM to create best performing an extensive list of information and data. Apart from that, the application is accessible to fit by using a drag-and-drop capability by enhancing the Scrolling Module or Drag Drop Module.

Virtual Scrolling:

<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport> is the scrolling package that offers helpers for directives that helps in reacting to scroll events. Virtual Scrolling helps to unload and to load elements from the DOM depending on the visible parts. It allows a performing way to provoke every team being accomplished by creating the content element height as the same height of a total rendered number of elements. Only the item rendering in view makes rapid experiences for users with an extensive collection of scroll-able lists.

Drag and Drop:

The @angular/cdk/drag-drop module offers users with a way to declarative and easily build drag and drop interfaces with assisting for sorting within a list, free dragging, animations, transferring items between lists, touch devices, previews, custom drag handles, and placeholders. Adding to that the helper methods for moveItemInArray (reorder list) and TransferArrayItem (transfer the items list).

Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc)

As per the name, the compiler is used for transforming the node_modules with the ngc to node_node modules, these are consistent with the new ivy rendered. Node_modules and ngc, which are angular compatibility compiler get converted and compiled with ngtsc. Ivy Rendering Engine uses such legacy packages after these conversions.

Angular Do-Bootstrap:

Angular Do-Bootstrapping is used to bootstrap modules which need components bootstrap. Angular 7.0 has come up with Interface(DoBootstrap) and New life-cycle hoop (ngDoBootstrap).

Better Error Handling:

@Output has an improved error handling feature in Angular 7.0 in the case of a property is not initialized.

Dependency Updates in Angular 7.0 TypeScript 3.1 support:

The TypeScript version has been updated to 3.1 from 2.7 in Angular 7.0. It’s important and must to use this Typescript latest version while working with Angular 7.0 RxJS 6.3 Angular 7.0 has come up with new RxJS version of 6.3.3 with additional features and changes which can enhance performance and make it easier for the developers to debug call improvements and stacks in modularity and also make it as backward consistent as possible.[Text Wrapping Break][Text Wrapping Break]

No Ivy:There is no active development to be developed in Ivy progress in the release of Angular 7.0.

Documentation Updates:

The reference material for the Angular CLI has been updated in the case of the documentation on [Text Wrapping Break][Text Wrapping Break]Few other exciting features of the latest Angular 7 versions include Angular Console, @angular/Fire, NativeScript, Stack Blitz, Bazel, Core, Platform-Browser and Service-Worker. Combining all the above-pinpointed features of Angular V7, it looks likes they are more accessible solutions which are mainly focused on the modern and latest technological trends added specifications like virtual scrolling, bitcoin mining, drag-drop, Angular material and so forth.

Are you ready to incorporate a mobile or web-based technology company? If so, ensure whether you make use of the latest Angular Version 7.0 framework for the enhanced results and performance.